The Critical Mass growing team continues to drive progress, continuity and sustainability by convening top industry professionals, processes, and technology and facilitating their collaboration with practitioners across the security enterprise. Looking forward to exciting new projects in 2022, we wanted to look back at TCM’s 2021 milestones:

👉 Formed and led an international, multidisciplinary team, which included over a dozen leading academic, government, media, and technology partners, to design and implement a year-long integrated research project evaluating impacts of COVID and health disinformation in #Georgia, #Kazakhstan, and #Ukraine. TCM designed, published, and disseminated research findings and associated policy recommendations in four languages for partner country stakeholders and decision makers. Our team conducted media landscape and audience analysis which informed the creation and execution of a multi-prong information and messaging campaign focused on building momentum and sharing strategies between sectors and countries to sustain trust in public health institutions. Read our U.S. Department of State GEC-funded report: #ContaminatedTrust
👉 Designed a needs-based program to provide advanced English language training to Georgian #Scientists tasked with key security initiatives such as the Bio-Surveillance Network of the #SilkRoad. TCM collaborated with implementers, including Georgetown University, to integrate multiple LOEs into a cohesive program which improved the scientists’ ability to participate in multinational research, publishing, and conferences, as well as solicit funding and execute grants.
👉 Trained #Iraq border security operational unit-level commander and civilian equivalent level operators on inter-agency synchronization, joint operations, and task-force integration skills. This professional development and capacity-building initiative funded by the U.S. Department of State’s #EXBS, in coordination with the US Embassy in Baghdad, targeted mid-grade and junior leaders responsible for activating and practicing inter-agency activities in response to threats at a single border crossing point.
👉 Collaborated with Sandia National Laboratories to enhance regional security through regulation and control of #dualusegoods transiting a major regional trade hub in #Panama. Through sequenced engagements, provision of case studies and proof points, research, and needs analysis, TCM is building local support for the project and setting conditions for partner-led adoption and sustainment of resulting risk assessment and mitigation tools.
👉Published 5th International CBRN Safety and Security Conference #CBRNIraq2020 Magazine alongside University of Babylon in partnership with CBRNe World, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Culmen International: Elizabeth Jordan Wilhelm Scott Eshom Tinatin Japaridze Arielle Mattes Alan Spadone Nidal Abu Sammour Christopher Stotts