We support a number of important initiatives with the US Department of State and other international partners. Key recent projects include: Identifying and mitigating Russian public health disinformation in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan; Aviation security and chemical response initiatives in Kurdistan; Industrial chemical and healthcare waste management and remediation advisory services in Central Asia and Eastern Europe; Dual-use goods and border security initiatives in Iraq and Panama; WMD crime scene and evidence investigation in Morocco; Countering cyberbullying and strengthening media literacy in Georgia.

TCM formed and led an international, multidisciplinary team, which included over a dozen leading academic, government, media, and technology partners, to design and implement a year-long integrated research project evaluating impacts of COVID and health disinformation in Eastern Europe/ Central Asia. This project collected and disseminated effective strategies to counter negative effects of decreased public trust in COVID control efforts.

TCM was enlisted to coordinate disparate elements of an in-progress airport security program in a volatile security environment. TCM facilitated multiple stakeholder engagements, evaluated process and institutional barriers to progress, and created a teaming strategy and work plan to achieve clearly articulated objectives. Milestones included delivery of critical product revisions while building multi-agency buy in to its content and objectives.

TCM collaborated with a National Laboratory to enhance regional security through regulation and control of dual-use goods transiting a major regional trade hub. Through sequenced engagements, provision of case studies and proof points, research, and needs analysis, TCM is building local support for the project and setting conditions for partner-led adoption and sustainment of resulting risk assessment and mitigation tools.

TCM designed a needs-based program to provide advanced English language training to Georgian Scientists tasked with key security initiatives such as the Bio-Surveillance Network of the Silk Road (BNSR). TCM collaborated with implementers to integrate multiple LOEs into a cohesive program which improved the scientists’ ability to participate in multi-national research, publishing, and conferences, as well as solicit funding and execute grants.

TCM designed, published, and disseminated research findings and associated policy recommendations in four languages for partner country stakeholders and decision makers. TCM conducted media landscape and audience analysis which informed the creation and execution of a multi-prong information and messaging campaign focused on building momentum and sharing strategies between sectors and countries to sustain trust in their public health institutions.
TCM authored and implemented a multi-tiered monitoring and evaluation plan and consulted on content, development, rollout strategy for an online USG and National laboratory-sponsored policy visualization tool. TCM ensured that the application was relevant and accessible to partner-government stakeholders, and will continue to evaluate the program’s use and efficacy in assisting to identify biosafety and biosecurity policy challenges.

TCM partnered with a coalition of international organizations to provide industrial chemical and healthcare waste management and remediation advisory services to ongoing projects in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

TCM offers security and defense assistance policy, program, and project professional and technical support to U.S. and other donor Government sponsors, implementing stakeholders, foreign assistance coordinators and recipients.